Carousel and Gravity Bank

The GIF to the left shows the basic actions of a Lifter with a Gravity Bank and a Carousel. Up to a point stand alone Single or Multi-Pole Lifters will provide the power required. One may use daisy chained Lifters to meet power requirements, but at some point adding more Lifters may not be feasible or cost effective. The Gravity Bank and the Carousel will provide for increased storage and power output. With a Gravity Bank, one can store up a large number of blocks that can be used to fill the Carousel as needed.

The Lifter used to supply blocks to the Gravity Bank may be of the Vertical design, moving blocks up a Vertical Support or one that moves blocks up an incline. In either case the end result will be to place the Carriage payload into a Gravity Bank for future use.


Lifter with Carousel and Gravity Bank

A Gravity Bank and Carousel are not limited to just large Lifter designs. Smaller cabin or bug out sites can use them. The material carried in the Carriage does not have to be in the form of a solid block. Other material maybe placed in the Carriage for storage in the Gravity Bank.