Carousel-Gravity Bank

Normally a single Lifter is used to raise a weight up to a desired height. The potential energy, in the tilted up weight, is the sole source of energy for any gearing and generator usage below. If one wanted to increase the Lifter output it would be necessary to increase the height of the Lifter and/or the weight of the material in the carriage. If you needed more, then you could connect several Lifters to a common output and do this until the desired output is obtained. Another method would be to store the tilted up weight in the carriage somewhere else, lower the carriage and reload. Tilt it up to the storage location and repeat until your storage has the desired amount of potential energy you need.

The machine shown above gives one the ability to tilt up, store and extract the stored energy to run a generator for electrical production. Using this method gives one a means to store a more potential energy cheaper and easier than one might by serially connecting multiple Lifters. The machine is composed of three major parts plus a gear box and generator. The Lifter section is for tilting up the carriage to the Gravity Bank, where the potential energy is stored, and the Carousel is used to lower the weights for driving the gear box and generator.

Lifter, Gravity Bank and Carousel

The video above shows a demonstration, of a Lifter, being used to fill a Gravity Bank with potential energy. It still needs a little fine tuning, but does show the different subsystems connected and working together to load, store and use gravitational energy. It would be nice if it opposed gravity, but this machine depends upon gravity for it to work.

In this example I input the energy being stored, but it would not be hard to design a Lifter that worked off of some green energy such as wind, water or solar. An example of this was the Hydro Lifter .

In this garage demo, the Lifter being used was a standard model with a carriage on both sides. It was modified to use just one side and the carriage to handle two 33 pound blocks. Two blocks are used to make one battery that weighs around 70 pounds. The support bar has added weighs inside. The Gravity Bank will easily hold the ten batteries shown at a usable height of about 3.5 feet. That is 2450 ft-lbs of potential energy. This is close to one single pole Lifter with 600 pounds in the carriage raised four feet. See this demo for an example at Lifter Safety

Additional examples of the conceptual use of a Gravity Bank can be seen on this website here:

This method of energy storage isn't limited to placing a solid material in the Gravity Bank. A demo showing the use of water being used in a Lifter is here:

Using a liquid material to store would mean configuring the Gravity Bank to hold it. One could also reduce the much of the required gearing as shown here: